“Metal to Metal”, men’s ministry of CHCC

Metal to Metal is the men’s ministry of Center Hill Community Church.  It consists of four areas to assist our men to assume and grow in the God given responsibilities of discipleship, leadership, and a desire toward God.  Those areas are Bible study, small groups, larger men’s gatherings and service projects to our community. We will be meeting every first and third Tuesdays of the month at the church for Bible study, once a month in small groups and every other month for a planned service project.  Our initial study will be the “33 The Series” from Authentic Manhood.  This DVD driven study will encourage men to embrace what real men are by examining the life of Christ during his 33 years on this earth.  To see more simply check out the link to the series trailer here. In these dark hours of a culture which is unraveling morally, we, the church, must stand for and champion real manhood.  Leaders by courage, defenders of the defenseless, champions of the Gospel, and strong husbands and fathers to our families.  Christian manhood is not for the weak-hearted or the undisciplined.  It is time for the church to demand from it’s men what Jesus portrayed and taught.  At Center Hill, it is our goal to be found faithful to that calling.   Men, we need to be men of integrity, sincerity, scholarship and leadership.  Join us in our commitment to that end at Center Hill’s “Metal to Metal” ministry starting on August 6th, 2013 at 6:30 pm.  It will change your life and our church. soli deo gloria!